English abbreviations: the informal language in chat

Abbreviations in English are used to shorten the writing of some words or groups of words. The most common are of formal use and we can often find abbreviations such as UK ( United Kingdom ) to refer to the United Kingdom or ETA ( Estimated time of arrival ) on the screens of an airport. However, few know the more informal abbreviations in English that are often used in more relaxed environments and, above all, when chatting with friends. For this reason, in this post, you will find a list of the most common abbreviations in English.

Normally, our academic English allows us to communicate correctly with English speakers, from a grammatical and spelling point of view. However, when we meet exchange friends or want to socialize in English with young people in informal settings we find certain shortcomings, in those cases, it is of little use to know how to write a formal letter or write an essay.

In this article we want you to learn the list of useful English abbreviations for day-to-day that will allow you to communicate through social networks and chat with ease and fluency, surely you have already encountered some of them and even have incorporated them into your writing.

There have always been informal abbreviations in English such as ASAP ( as are as possible ) or the typical XOXO ( hugs & kisses ) that they usually teach us to send letters to friends. However, since instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp emerged, a greater number of abbreviations in English have been introduced to streamline communication and save us time in response.

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List of abbreviations in informal English

Abbreviation Meaning

@ At (to indicate a place)

2 Too, to

2DY Today

4 For

4U For you

afaik As far as I know

DC City center

cu See you

cuz Because

fyi For your information

atb All the best

b4 Before

b / c because

bf Boyfriend, bestfriend

brb Be right back

btw By the way

byob Bring your own beer

gf Girlfriend

gtg Got to go.

Sometimes it is difficult to end a chat conversation with a friend or simply tell them that it is not a good time to continue talking. In English, just enter "gtg" to end a conversation.

hth Hope this help

idk I don't know

IMO In my opinion

kit Keep in touch

LOL Laugh out loud

m8 Mate

mb Maybe

nsfw Not suitable for work.

In WhatsApp conversations with friends, funny videos or audios are usually sent with not very appropriate content in a formal environment, in English the abbreviation "nsfw" is used to warn your friends not to open it at work. Therefore, if you receive this message, it would be better to wait until you get home to open the file if you do not want to be the center of attention in the office.

nvm Never mind

OMG Oh my god

Omw On my way

pls por favor

ppl People

q4u Question for you

r Are

sec Second

smh Shaking my head (phew!)

His p? What's up?

tbh To be honest

tgif Thanks God is Friday

thx Thanks

tmr tomorrow

or You

ur your

wom Waste of money

WTF What the f ***

and Why

If you start using these abbreviations in your chat conversations, you will surprise your English-speaking friends. If you want to socialize with ordinary people, you should start to familiarize yourself with informal English. And you? Do you know any other abbreviations?


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