English abbreviations: the informal language in chat
Abbreviations in English are used to shorten the writing of some words or groups of words. The most common are of formal use and we can often find abbreviations such as UK ( United Kingdom ) to refer to the United Kingdom or ETA ( Estimated time of arrival ) on the screens of an airport. However, few know the more informal abbreviations in English that are often used in more relaxed environments and, above all, when chatting with friends. For this reason, in this post, you will find a list of the most common abbreviations in English. Normally, our academic English allows us to communicate correctly with English speakers, from a grammatical and spelling point of view. However, when we meet exchange friends or want to socialize in English with young people in informal settings we find certain shortcomings, in those cases, it is of little use to know how to write a formal letter or write an essay. In this article we want you to learn the list of useful English abbreviations for day-to-day...