Drunk driving: is it possible to avoid confiscation of the car?
Basically, the rule is as essential as it is clear: if you do not want to be caught behind the wheel after a shot too many and risk getting your car confiscated for drunk driving, the best thing to do is not to drink alcohol. For all those who, however, who decide to challenge their luck because they are convinced that "I don't get drunk so much, because I can stand it", here is what awaits you. The confiscation of the car: when does it start? In the event of drunk driving, confiscation of the car is triggered when blood alcohol content greater than 1.5 grams per liter is found. If this happens, the arrest will be from six months to one year, a fine ranging from 1,500 to 6,000 euros, the suspension of the license from one to two years and - in the event of an accident or recidivism during the two years later by the motorist - the revocation of the license. To this must be added the confiscation of the vehicle if and only if it is partially or totally owned by the person...